The objective of this competition is to develop closer ties across the European community of haiku creators (although haiku authors from other parts of the world are welcome to submit entries as well). Starting 2018 we are planning one competition yearly: EUROPEAN KUKAI (in 2013-2017 we organized 4 separate quarterly competitions in each year: EUROPEAN QUARTERLY KUKAI). The competition is led in cooperation with the Publishing House KONTEKST from Poznań.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Short summary of the first ten editions of EQK (1)

In time of first ten editions of EQK (from spring 2013 to summer 2015) 438 authors from 56 countries submitted their haiku. Average number in one edition: 164 authors from 39 countries.
We thank very much for participating, good haiku and fun to each author and especially thank to 21 authors from 13 countries who submitted and voted in all ten editions:

Ferenc Bakos, Hungary
Valeria Barouch, Switzerland
Goda V. Bendoraitiene, Lithuania
Brigitte ten Brink, Germany
Ralf Broker, Germany
Cezar F. Ciobica, Romania
Rosa Clement, Brasil
Dainius Dirgela, Lithuania
James Dobson, United Kingdom
Marcell Domonkos, Hungary
Nijole Kerusauskiene, Lithuania
Vitali Khomin, Ukraine
Lavana Kray, Romania
Natalia Kuznetsova, Russia
Andrius Luneckas, Lithuania
Minh-Triet Pham, France
Marija Pogorilic, Croatia
Francesco de Sabata, Italy
Heinz Schneemann, Germany
Barbara A. Taylor, Australia
Steliana Cristina Voicu, Romania

the EQK team


  1. Thank you to the wonderful editorial team who always challanges us with interesting topics!
    Best wishes,
    Steliana Voicu
